歡迎您使用羅技台灣員工購物網! 羅技員購網(以下簡稱"本網站")為羅技亞太有限公司(Logitech Asia Pacific Limited)(以下簡稱"本公司","羅技"或"我們")所有,為保障您的權益,在您使用本網站提供之各項服務之前,請詳細閱讀下列各項服務辦法及條款:
這些「使用條款」("條款"或"協議") 是您與羅技之間的法律協議,管理您以訪客、內容貢獻者或註冊使用者身份使用此網站的行為。使用此網站,在上面發佈資訊,以及進行存取即表示您同意遵守這些條款規定,請在使用網站之前仔細閱讀條款。若您違反本網站發佈的條款與政策,包括本文中的這些條款,或因任何原因、在任何時候有違反相關規定之情況,羅技保留限制或終止您存取此網站的權利,或終止或暫停您註冊的權利。
以任何方式存取與使用此網站,即表示您同意遵守這些條款的規定。如果您不同意所有的條款和條件, 請勿以任何方式使用此網站或在網站上發佈資訊。
我們不斷致力於改善此網站,並提高它對您而言的實用性,我們可能增加其他服務或對現有服務進行變更。如果羅技進行此類變更, 這些條款將適用於新服務與現有服務的任何變更。
若要使用此網站的特定部份,會要求您提供個人資訊,例如名字、電子郵件地址、密碼、居住城市、州、國家郵政編號或郵遞區號。 您全權負責保障您帳戶資訊的機密性,包括密碼以及透過帳戶進行的任何及全部活動。如您的帳戶或密碼遭遇任何未經授權的使用情況, 或者出現任何其他安全漏洞,您同意立即通知羅技。如果因他人使用您的會員密碼或帳戶,而導致羅技或此網站的任何其他使用者或訪客遭受損失, 您可能需要承擔責任。
(一)本網站限本公司關聯公司 – 羅技電子股份有限公司(以下簡稱"羅技電子")之員工(含正式員工或約聘員工,以下簡稱"員工")使用,因此若您同意本網站獲取您的上述個人資料事項,並且同意以羅技電子之員工的身分註冊本網站,您將使用您註冊的ID和密碼登入本網站,與本公司作連結,且授權本網站以您註冊的ID和密碼辨識您在本網站的員工身分。
您必須妥善設定、維護及保管您的會員帳號及密碼,例如於使用本網站之服務結束時,適時登出及關閉瀏覽器等, 並且絕不在任何公開的網頁上公布您的會員帳號、密碼或個人資料。如果您洩漏自己的會員帳號、密碼、個人資料或付款資訊等, 並使得第三人有使用之機會時,您必須就該第三人的行為負全部責任,本公司及本網站將不對該行為負任何責任。
若您的會員帳號、密碼遭到盜用或有任何安全問題時,請您立即通知本公司之福利委員會,本公司將於收到通知並確認您的帳號、 密碼被冒用時,立即暫停該帳號所生之交易的處理及後續利用,但本公司針對已發生之交易不負任何責任。
於您連線到本網站時,本公司將取得您的網頁瀏覽紀錄,作為您的興趣及喜好之相關資訊。這些資訊包含您進入本網站前的URL、 瀏覽器種類或您的IP位址。若您不願提供該資訊,只要您不要送出「cookie」即可,但您可能因此而無法正常使用部分的網站功能或服務。
羅技尊重您對隱私權的要求,並謹慎保護您提供給我們的個人資訊。羅技的隱私權政策可從網站取得:www.logitech.com/privacy 。使用此網站,即表示您同意我們的隱私權政策條款。
雖然羅技已採行我們隱私權政策中所述的步驟,以確保僅在遵守羅技隱私權政策的情況下提交與揭露您的個人資訊, 但羅技不保證您提供的個人資訊不會遭其他人截取或解密。
本公司將依中華民國個人資料保護法與相關法令之規範,以及羅技隱私權政策保護您所提供之各項個人資料。當您使用本服務或進行會員註冊時, 您同意本公司得對您所提供個人資料之蒐集、處理與利用,包括本公司關係企業內部之利用或其他法令所允許的情況下利用,具體細節如下:
(一)個人資料蒐集之目的:您在本網站所提供的任何個人資料信息將在本網站運營期間僅被用為處理您在本網站所下之商品採買訂單(訂單)之相關付款、 物流運送(含退換貨)、企業內部之利用。
(二)個人資料蒐集之類別:您的帳戶名稱、帳戶密碼、個人姓名、聯絡電話、聯絡電郵、聯絡(送貨)地址。您的付款碼(含信用卡卡號碼、 截止日期、CSC碼、信用卡持有人姓名)等相關信息將有可能被第三方支付平台進行保存。
(三)本公司通過本網站進行蒐集之個人資料將有可能因本網站內部設置或因本公司維持本網站運營之原因被傳輸至中華民國以外的第三國進行保 存、提取、閱讀、查閱等。
所有文字、圖形、使用者或視覺介面、商標、標誌、音樂、音效、美工圖案、照片與電腦程式碼 (以下簡稱"內容"),包括但不限於此網站中由羅技所擁有、控制或授權之此類內容的設計、架構、選擇、協調、表達、外觀感覺以及安排。所有此類內容均受貿易條規、著作權、專利與商標法、以及各種智慧財產權與不公平競爭法的保護。除非另有適用於特定內容的協議 (例如軟體授權協議、服務條款等),羅技於此授與您在遵守這些條款規定的情況下,使用此內容的有限權限,且您僅能將此類內容用於個人、非商業資訊用途。
除非適用協議或內容本身明確允許,若事先未獲得羅技及/或適當擁有者的明確書面同意, 內容的任何部分均不得以任何形式或使用任何方式進行複製、重製、散佈、重發佈、下載、顯示、發佈或傳輸,包括但不限於電子、機械、影印、 錄音或其他方式。此外,未獲得羅技事先的明確書面同意,您也不可「鏡影」此網站或任何其他伺服器所包含的任何內容。
此網站的某些區域可能允許您發佈內容,包括您的經驗、建議、推薦、評論、資訊、訊息或其他資料 (以下簡稱"您的內容")。請瞭解這些區域具有公開且非保密性質。您僅可在自己有發佈權限的公開區域發佈內容。您不可發佈違反這些條款規定或侵犯任何第三方權利的任何內容。
對於任何您可能發佈的您的內容,羅技不會主張所有權。但是,當將您的內容發佈到網站上的公開區域,即表示您授與羅技、其附屬公司、 合作夥伴與經銷商永久、不可撤銷、無使用費用的權利,在任何媒介以任何方法使用、複製、顯示、執行、散佈、改編、建立衍生作品、 轉授權與推廣您的內容,以及在註明由您發佈的情況下使用及轉授權使用您的名字、肖像、傳記、聲音、影片、與照片 (如可適用時)。除了您的內容之外,我們也鼓勵您提供我們回饋意見。您同意我們能無限制地以任何方式使用您關於此網站、 羅技的產品及/或服務所提供的所有意見、勸告、推薦、建議、抱怨及其他回饋意見,且對於根據或結合您回饋意見所建立的結果, 羅技擁有全部完整的智慧財產權。
本網站之網域為本公司所持有,委託" 益兆原環球科技有限公司"包括經營及處理本網站之服務,包括物流(訂單處理、商品配送、退換貨(僅限於發出與訂單有出入之商品時))、 金流 (發票開立、收付款)、客服 (諮詢、抱怨、交易糾紛)等相關事宜。為避免混淆,本公司特別重申,本公司與益兆原環球科技有限公司是完全獨立的獨立法人人格主體, 益兆原環球科技有限公司將獨立承擔其于委託服務內所產生的一切行為責任。任何情況下, 本使用條款不得解釋為本公司與益兆原環球科技有限公司之間或在本公司和益兆原環球科技有限公司僱員之間建立了除本條款所示之委託關係外的任 何代理、合夥、合資或僱傭關係。
為了向您提供全面而實用的資源,此網站可能包含連到第三方網站的連結,這些網站並非由羅技所控制。對於任何連結之網站提供的內容與產品, 或任何連結網站上包含的連結,或在此類網站上的任何變更或更新,羅技概不負責。羅技提供這些連結只是為了方便您的使用, 任何連結的內容並不隱含羅技認同、保證或接受針對此類第三方網站上之內容或產品的任何責任。
在使用此網站時,您可能會發現由第三方而非羅技所提供的服務、產品、商品或促銷活動。如果您決定使用第三方服務或產品, 您應負責檢視與瞭解約束任何第三方服務或產品的使用條款與條件。您同意應由第三方,而非羅技,對第三方的服務或產品效能負責。
羅技有權利,但無責任,監控及/或移除由他人提供的網站內容。雖然某些社群與其他區域可能因相關性而受到監控, 但我們沒有責任對任何內容進行預先篩選,對此類內容的發佈也不承擔任何責任。我們保留因任何原因拒絕發佈、 編輯已提交的內容、以及移除內容的權利。進一步而言,羅技對於內容無法移除或延遲移除,亦不承擔任何責任。
在羅技,我們尊重他人的智慧財產權。如果您認為您受著作權保護的作品被以構成著作權侵權的方式複製並可從此網站進行存取, 請與我們聯繫以通報可能的著作權侵權事件。與我們聯繫時,請向羅技的著作權代理提供下列資訊:
Logitech Copyright Agent
c/o Logitech Europe S.A.
EPFL - Quartier de l'Innovation
Daniel Borel Innovation Center
CH - 1015 Lausanne
除非另有明確表示,否則在法律允許的最大範圍內,此網站、此網站上及連結的所有資料、資訊、發佈、評論或服務,均以「現狀」與「現有狀態」提供,而無任何擔保,羅技及其供應商、第三方服務提供者與合作夥伴 (以下總稱為"供應商") 在此明確聲明免除任何種類的擔保,無論是明示或暗示,包括但不限於適銷性、特定目的適用性、無侵權以及所有權的暗示擔保。對於任何建議、評論、聲明或其他透過網站顯示、上傳或散佈之資訊的準確性、現時性或可靠性,羅技不提出異議或認可。關於此網站能否符合您的要求或期望;對此網站或任何資訊、發佈、評論或網站連結之服務的存取是否會中斷、是否具及時性、安全性、或無錯誤;或此類使用行為所致的結果是否準確或可靠、或適合您的目的;羅技及其供應商不提供任何擔保。羅技不保證您從此網站下載的任何檔案或其他資料完全沒有病毒、惡意軟體、遭感染或具破壞性的功能,包括但不限於所有病毒、惡意軟體、木馬、蠕蟲、廣告軟體、間諜軟體、犯罪軟體、線上塗鴉惡搞軟體、植入程式、隱藏程式、鍵盤記錄器、機器人程式或其他有害軟體程式或程式元素。除此之外,羅技對任何第三方服務提供者或合作夥伴的行為不承擔任何責任,無論線上或離線。羅技、其供應商無論是透過口頭、書面或任何其他方式獲得資訊,均不會改變此免責聲明。某些司法轄區不允許這些限制,所以上述限制在您的司法轄區可能並不適用。
您明確瞭解並同意羅技 (或羅技管理人員、董事、投資人、子公司、代理、受讓人、代表、供應商、合作夥伴或員工) 對任何直接損失或任何特殊、直接、間接、非必然、附隨或懲罰性損失,不承擔任何責任,包括但不限於因任何使用、資料、利潤或其他無形損失 (即使羅技已知悉可能發生此損失時亦然) 導致的損失、因使用或無法使用此網站導致的損失、因此網站移除或終止導致損失、因未獲授權存取或變更您的傳播內容或資料導致的損失、因此網站內容錯誤或遺漏導致的損失、因此網站上第三方的聲明或行為導致的損失、此網站或網站連結提供之指示、資訊或服務導致的損失、或任何與此網站有關之內容事件導致的損失。在任何情況下,羅技及其供應商對於因使用此網站而導致之任何及全部索賠需負擔的累計責任總額,不超過您就發生問題之服務於上年度支付給羅技之費用 (如有的話) 的總額,或是3000.00 圓新台幣,以金額較少者為準。
對於因您違反使用條款而錯誤使用此網站的行為或疏失而導致的任何第三方要求之任何及全部索賠、要求、損失、費用或責任, 包括合理的律師費用,您應當補償、保護和保障羅技不受任何上述狀況的損害,包括羅技的附屬機構、其各自的管理人員、員工、以及代理。 羅技保留在任何要求您賠償的事件中,獨自承擔辯護與控制任何事務的權利,您同意在對任何索賠的辯護中,與羅技進行合理的充分合作。 上述補償規定的適用範圍,不包括任何因羅技本身疏失、欺瞞、蓄意傷害或蓄意違法而導致的索賠、要求、損失、成本或責任。
羅技可能會揭露所擁有之與您有關的任何資訊 (包括您的識別資料)、任何傳播內容或您進行的通訊、您對此網站或任何此網站可用之服務的使用情 況,只要我們認定此類揭露在下列情況中為必要時:(1) 遵守法律程序,(2) 遵守任何與您使用此網站有關的調查或投訴要求,(3) 執行此使用條 款,(4) 回應任何資料違反他人權利的主張,或 (5) 保護羅技的權利、財產,或羅技員工、此網站的訪客與使用者的個人安全,包括羅技的客戶與 公眾。
在羅技認為遵守任何適用法律、規章、法律程序或政府要求有此必要時,羅技保留在任何時候揭露任何資訊的權利。當羅技判定適用法律要求或允許 此類揭露時,羅技也會揭露您的資訊,包括與其他公司和組織因防禦欺詐行為而交換資訊。
本網站保證將以符當下一般可合理期待之方式及技術,維護本網站之正常運作,保障本網站的可持續地、不受影響地或完全安全地使用本網站,但本 公司不就本網站的可持續性、無乾擾性及安全性作出任何擔保。惟以下事件發生時,本網站有權暫停、中止或拒絕提供本服務的全部或一部份,且不 須事先通知您,您瞭解並同意本網站對因此造成您任何直接或間接的損害,均不負任何賠償或補償之責:
您同意羅技可以自行決定,無需事先通知即可終止您存取網站及/或封鎖您日後對網站的存取,只要我們認為您已違反此使用條款或其他與您使用此 網站有關的協議或指南,或是因其他任何理由,包括但不限於 (1) 執法機構或其他政府機構要求,(2) 您要求移除帳戶,(3) 網站或任何透過此 網站提供的服務終止或有重大修改,或 (4) 意外發生的技術事宜或問題。
如果此協議遭終止,對於網站上出現之內容或材料的限制、以及在此使用條款中所述之表示、擔保、補償和責任限制於終止後仍有效力。如果您不 滿意此網站或任何羅技可能提供的服務,您唯一的補救措施是終止此協議。
如果羅技因您違反這些使用條款而對您提起法律訴訟,羅技有權向您追討,且您同意給予羅技任何禁制令救濟或衡平救濟,並支付所有合理的律師 費用以及關於此類訴訟之費用。關於您對網站存取的終止,您同意羅技不必對您或對任何第三方負責。
這些條款和您對此網站的使用,受中華民國法律管轄,不論關於法律衝突的規定為何;所有索賠和訴訟,均必須以台北地方法院為第一審管轄法 院。您放棄關於所有屬人管轄與審判地缺失問題的一切抗辯。
羅技可在任何時候將此條款讓渡給任何羅技子公司,或任何所屬公司,或是作為羅技銷售、合併、或轉讓的一部分讓渡給其他實體。您不可讓渡此協議。此條款構成您與羅技之間關於此事項的完整協議,並管理您對此網站的使用行為。羅技無法執行或履行此條款所賦予的任何權利或規定,不構成對此類權利或規定的放棄如此條款有任何規定無效,雙方仍然同意這些規定反應雙方的意願,且這些條款中的其他規定仍應完整實行並保有完整效力。無論任何法令或法律是否具有相反的規定,任何因與使用網站或與此條款有關的主張或訴訟,需在該主張或訴訟原因發生的一 (1) 年內提起訴訟,否則即永久不得提出。您同意本使用條款與本網站內其他的條款(包括台灣員工購買細則Taiwan Employee Purchase Rules)構成您使用本網站的相關條款約定,並受它們的約束。本使用條款與本網站內其他條款有衝突之處的,皆以本使用條款所表示為準。本使用條款以英文及繁體中文作成,惟如兩者有文義歧異之處,應以繁體中文為準。
Welcome to Logitech Taiwan Employee Online Shop! Logitech Taiwan Employee Online Shop (hereinafter referred to as the "Website") is owned by Logitech Asia Pacific Limited (hereinafter referred to as the "Company", "Logitech" or "We"). To secure your rights and interests, before you use any service provided by the Website, please read the following terms and conditions carefully:
The Terms of Use (hereinafter referred to as the "Terms") are the legal agreement between you and Logitech and are used to govern your behaviors of using the Website as a visitor, content contributor or registration user. As using the Website, posting information on the Website or accessing the information means you agree to observe the Terms, please read the Terms carefully before using the Website. If you violate any clause or policy released on the Website, including the Terms specified in this document, or violate relevant provisions for any reason and at any time, Logitech will reserve its right to limit or terminate your right to access the Website or terminate or suspend your right to register.
Accessing or using the Website by any means indicates you agree to observe the Terms. If you don't agree to any clause or condition herein, please do not use the Website or post information on the Website by any means.
Logitech can change, modify, update, increase or delete any part of the Terms (hereinafter referred to as the "Changes") at any time. Please regularly check whether there are any Changes to the Terms. Your continued use of the Website and tracking of any changes released on the Website means you accept the Changes.
We keep improving the Website and increasing its practicability to you. So, we may add other services or change the current services. If Logitech introduces such changes, the Terms will be applicable to the new services and any changes to the current services.
If you want to use any specific part of the Website, you will be required to provide your personal information (hereinafter referred to as "Personal Information"), including your name, e-mail address, password, city, state, national post code or post code. You are totally responsible for the confidentiality of your account information, including password and any and all the activities conducted through the account. If your account or password is used without any authorization or any other security variability occurs, you will agree to notify Logitech about that. If the use of your password or account by other people causes a loss to Logitech or any other user of or visitor to the Website, you may need to bear the responsibility.
To use the services provided by the Website, you agree to the following items:
(I) The Website is for the use of the Company's affiliated company – Logitech Far East Limited’s (hereinafter referred to as the "LFE") employees only. So, if you agree the Website to access your Personal Information as mentioned above and agree to register as an employee of the Company, you will use your registered ID and password to log in the Website and be connected with the Company, and authorize the Website to identify your identity as an employee through your registered ID and password.
(II) As the Website is for the use of the LFE's employees only, it's intended to provide discount points (hereinafter referred to as "Points") to deduct the prices of the products sold on the Website. In case of sales or resales for profits or similar circumstances, once they are verified to be true, the Website will terminate your membership and cancel all of your Points and qualifications. You will be unable to register again or claim any rights hereto, and the Website will not be responsible for any compensation.
You must properly set, maintain and keep your member account and password. For example, at the end of the use of the Website, you must log off and close the browser at a proper time, and shall not publicize your member account, password or Personal Information on any public webpages. If you leak your own member account, password, Personal Information or payment information and make them available to the use of any third person, you must be totally responsible for the behaviors of the third person. The Company and the Website will not bear any responsibility for such behaviors.
If your member account or password is stolen or suffers from any security problem, please immediately notify the Welfare Committee of the Company. The Company will immediately suspend the processing of the transactions generated in the account and the follow-up use of the account right after receiving your notice and confirming your account and password are used by other persons, but will not bear any responsibility for any transactions that occurred before.
You shall confirm the data you upload, input or provide to the Website are legal or are used with the legal authorization of the persons with the right to use them (hereinafter referred to as "Authorized Use", such as reproduction, public communication, public transmission, revision, spread or public distribution), and such rights can be transferred to any third person. Your uploading, inputting or providing data to the Website is deemed as your authorization to the Company to use the data and transfer the said rights to other persons. Besides, you shall guarantee that such authorized contents do not infringe upon the intellectual property rights or other rights of any third person. In case of any infringement, you shall promise to compensate the Company for any damage caused therefrom.
When you are connected to the Website, the Company will get your records of browsing webpages as the information related to your interests and hobbies. The information includes the URL before you log in the Website, the category of your browser or your IP address. If you don't want to provide the information, just do not send the cookie, but you may fail to normally use part of the functions or services of the Website because of that.
(About cookie: The Website will send a textual file named cookie for the computer storage device you use, which will be kept by the Company. With the cookie, you can save the trouble of entering password again when repeatedly accessing the Website, but the Company can track your browsing records through the cookie.)
Logitech respects your requirement for privacy and prudently protect the Personal Information you provide to us. Logitech’s Privacy Policy is available from www.logitech.com/privacy. Using the Website means you agree to the terms in our Privacy Policy.
Logitech implements security measures to protect the information it controls from being lost, misused or falsified. Our Privacy Policy explains these security measures.
Although Logitech has implemented the steps specified in our Privacy Policy to ensure your Personal Information is provided or disclosed only under the condition that Logitech’s Privacy Policy is met, Logitech will not guarantee the Personal Information you provide will not be intercepted or decoded by other persons.
The Company will protect all the Personal Information you provide in accordance with the Law of the Protection of Personal Information and relevant regulations of Taiwan as well as Logitech’s Privacy Policy. When you use the services or register as a member, you agree the Company to collect, process and use the Personal Information you provide, including the use within the enterprises associated with the Company or any other use scenarios allowed by the law. Details are shown below:
(I) Purpose of the collection of Personal Information: Any Personal Information you provide to the Website will only be used to process the payment and delivery (including return and exchange of goods) related to your good purchase orders (hereinafter referred to as "Orders") under the Website or used within the Company during the operation of the Website.
(II) Category of the collected Personal Information: Your account name, account password, personal name, telephone number, email address and mail address. Information related to your payment code (including credit card number, expiration date, CSC, credit card holder name) may be kept by the third-party payment platform.
(III) The Personal Information the Company collects through the Website will be likely to be transmitted to and be kept, accessed, read or searched in the third country outside Taiwan because of the internal setting of the Website or for the Company's purpose to maintain the operation of the Website.
(IV) You will have the right to exercise the following rights in relation to your Personal Information by notifying the Welfare Committee of the Company in a written manner according to the Law of the Protection of Personal Information and relevant regulations of Taiwan:
After receiving your written request, the Welfare Committee of the Company will confirm it with you and proceed your request within three (3) working days after confirmation.
The contents include all the texts, images, user or video interfaces, trademarks, logos, music, audio effects , art designs, photos and computer program codes (hereinafter referred to as the "Contents"), including but not limited to the design, structures, choices, coordination, expressions , appearance feelings, and arrangements related to the contents and owned, controlled or authorized by Logitech in the Website. All the Contents are protected by trade laws, copyright, patent and trademark laws and various laws governing intellectual property rights and unfair competition. Unless otherwise specified to the Contents, such as software authorization agreements and service terms, Logitech hereby authorizes you to use the limited rights to the Contents and use the Contents for personal or non-commercial information purpose under the condition that the said Terms are observed.
Unless clearly allowed by applicable agreements or the Contents, if no specific written consent from Logitech and/or proper owners is obtained in advance, any part of the contents shall not be duplicated, reproduced, spread, redistributed, downloaded, displayed, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means, including but not limited to electronic, mechanic, photocopying, audio recording or other ways. Besides, without the advance and specific written consent from Logitech, you shall not mirror any Contents contained in the Website or any other servers.
You may be allowed to distribute contents, including your experience, suggestions, recommendations, comments, information, messages or other data (Hereinafter referred to as "Your Contents") in some sections of the Website. Please understand that such sections are public and non-confidential. You can only distribute Your Contents in the authorized public sections.. You cannot distribute any Your Contents that violate the rules or infringe upon the rights of any third party.
Logitech will not claim ownership to any Your Contents you may distribute. However, Your distribution of Your Contents in the public sections of the Website means you grant Logitech, its affiliated companies, partners and dealers the permanent, irrevocable and free-use right to duplicate, display, execute, spread, adapt, establish the derivatives of, reauthorize or promote Your Contents in any media and by any means, and to use or reauthorize the use of your name, portrait, biography, voice, videos and photos (if applicable) with marks that they are distributed by you. Besides Your Contents, we also encourage you to provide us with feedback. You agree that we have unlimited access to all of your opinions, advice, recommendations, suggestions, complaints and other feedback about the Website, Logitech products and/or services by any means, and Logitech owns full and complete IPRs to the results established according to or in combination with your feedback.
The following behaviors are illegal or forbidden:
You cannot have the following behaviors when using the Website:
The domain of the Website is held by the Company, and Yizhaoyuan Global Technology Co., Ltd. is entrusted to run and address the services provided by the Website, including the matters related to logistics (order processing, commodity distribution, return and exchanges of commodities (limited to the commodities different from what is ordered), cash flows (issuance of invoices, payment and collection) and customer services (consulting, complaints and trading disputes). To avoid confusion, the Company particularly reiterates that the Company and Yizhaoyuan Global Technology Co., Ltd. are two completely independent legal entities, and Yizhaoyuan Global Technology Co., Ltd. will independently assume the responsibility for all the behaviors resulted from the entrusted service. In no case shall the Terms of Use be interpreted as witnessing the establishment of any agency, partnership, joint venture or employment relations other than the entrustment relations between the Company and Yizhaoyuan Global Technology Co., Ltd. or between the Company and the employees of Yizhaoyuan Global Technology Co., Ltd.
To provide you with comprehensive and pragmatic resources, the Website may contain links to the third party websites, which are not controlled by Logitech. Logitech will not be responsible for the contents and products provided by any linked website, the links contained in any linked website or any changes to or updates of such websites. Logitech provides the links just for your convenience, and any linked content does not imply Logitech's responsibility related to the recognition, guarantee or acceptance of the contents or products on such third party websites.
When using the Website, you may find the services, products, commodities or promotions provided by the third party other than Logitech. If you decide to use the third party services or products, you shall be responsible for checking and understanding the terms and conditions of use for any third party service or product. You agree that the third party instead of Logitech shall be responsible for the third party services or products.
Logitech has the right but no responsibility to monitor and/or remove the Website contents provided by others. Although some communities and other sections may be monitored because of relevance, we have no responsibility to pre-screen any contents, nor will we bear any responsibility for the distribution of such contents. We reserve the right to refuse distribution or editing of submitted contents and to remove contents for any reason. Furthermore, Logitech will not bear any responsibility for the failure to or delay in the removal of any contents.
At Logitech, we respect the IPRs of other people. If you think your copyrighted works are duplicated and accessed from the Website in a way that constitutes copyright infringement, please contact us to report the possible infringement on copyright. When contacting us, please provide the following information to Logitech’s copyright agent:
You can contact Logitech’s agent in any of the following ways:
Logitech Copyright Agent
c/o Logitech Europe S.A.
EPFL - Quartier de l'Innovation
Daniel Borel Innovation Center
CH - 1015 Lausanne
E-mail http://support.logitech.com/response-center
Claims irrelevant to copyright infringement will not be responded to.
Unless otherwise specified, within the limits permitted by law, all the data, information, distribution, comments or services on or linked to the Website are provided in the "current state" without any guarantee. Logitech and its suppliers, third party service providers and partners (hereinafter referred to as the "s") hereby disclaim express or implied guarantee of any kind, including but not limited to the implied guarantee for marketability, special purpose applicability, no infringement or ownership. Logitech will not raise any objection against or recognize the accuracy, timeliness or reliability of any suggestions, comments, statements or other information displayed, upload or spread through the Website. Logitech and its Suppliers will not provide any guarantee concerning whether the Website will meet your requirement or expectation, whether the access to the Website or any information, distribution, comments or linked services will be interrupted, timely, safe or free of mistakes, whether the results caused by such use behaviors will be accurate or reliable or meet your purpose. Logitech will not guarantee that any files or other data you download from the Website are free of viruses or malicious software, infected or destructive, including but not limited to all the viruses, malicious software, trojans, worms, ads software, spy software, crime software, online graffiti and spoof software, implanted programs, hidden programs, keyloggers, robot programs or any other harmful software programs or program elements. Besides, Logitech will not be responsible for the behaviors of any third party service providers or partners either online or offline. Logitech and its Suppliers will not change the disclaimer statements no matter whether they obtain information in an oral or written manner or by any other means. As such limitations are not allowed in some jurisdictions, the limitations may not be applicable to your jurisdiction.
You clearly understand and agree that Logitech (or Logitech’s executives, directors, investors, subsidiaries, agents, transferees, representatives, Suppliers, partners or employees) will not be responsible for any direct loss or any special, direct, indirect, non-inevitable, accompanying or punitive loss, including but not limited to the loss caused by any use, data, profits or other intangible loss (even when Logitech has known the loss may occur), the loss caused by the use of or the failure to use the Website, the loss caused by the removal or termination of the Website, the loss caused by the failure to be authorized to access or change your contents or data, the loss caused by the mistakes or omissions in the contents of the Website, the loss caused by the third party statements or behaviors on the Website, the loss caused by the instructions, information or services provided by the Website or links on the Website, or the loss caused by any content events related to the Website. In any case, the accumulated amount of liability that Logitech and its Suppliers need to take for any and all the claims for compensation as caused by the use of the Website will not exceed the total amount you paid to Logitech in the previous year for the services in question or TWD 3,000.00, whichever is less.
You shall compensate for any and all the claims, requirements, losses, expenses or responsibilities, including reasonable attorney’s fees, requested by any third party and caused by your wrong use of the Website or negligence in violation of the Terms, and protect and guarantee Logitech, including Logitech’s affiliated organizations and respective executives, employees and agents, from being harmed by any of the said conditions. Logitech reserves the right to independently speak in defense of and control any matter in any event in which you are required to compensate, and you agree to have full cooperation with Logitech on a reasonable basis in the defense for any claim. The application scope of the said compensation rules excludes any compensation, requirements, losses, costs or responsibilities caused by Logitech’s negligence, fraud, malicious injury or malicious violation of law.
Logitech may disclose any information (including your ID data) related to you, any contents of communication or the communication you are undergoing, or your use of the Website or any services available on the Website it owns, so long as we deem the disclosure as necessary in the following conditions: (1) observation of legal procedures; (2) observations of any investigations or complaints related to your use of the Website; (3) execution of the Terms of Use; (4) response to any claim about data violating other persons’ rights, or (5) protection of Logitech’s rights or properties or the personal safety of Logitech’s employees, visitors to and users of the Website, including Logitech’s customers and the public .
When Logitech deems it’s necessary to observe any applicable laws, regulations, legal procedures or government requirements, Logitech reserves the right to disclose any information at any time. When Logitech judges such disclosure is required or allowed by applicable laws, Logitech will disclose your information, including exchanging the information with other companies or organizations for the anti-fraud purpose.
The Website guarantees to use the approaches and technologies that can be reasonably expected at the time to maintain the normal operation of the Website and ensure the sustainable, unaffected and completely safe use of the Website, but the Company will not make any guarantee for the sustainability, non-interference or security of the Website. Only in the following cases shall the Website have the right to suspend, terminate or refuse provision of all or part of the services without notifying you of that in advance. You understand and agree that the Website will not make any compensation or be responsible for any compensation for any direct or indirect damages caused to you.
(I) Necessary movement, upgrade, maintenance or construction of the electronic communication equipment for the Website;
(II) Sudden failures of electronic communication equipment;
(III) Suspension of the electronic communication services applied for by the Company makes it impossible to continue provision of the services.
(IV) Violation of government decrees or the Terms of Use by users;
(V) What is beyond the Company's control causes the service information to be displayed incorrectly, or falsified, altered, deleted or retrieved, or causes the system to run abnormally;
(VI) Appearance of slander, insulting, personal attacks or other contents against public orders and good customs on the Website;
(VII) Natural disasters, accidents or other events of force majeure make the Company unable to provide the services; or
(VIII) Other conditions in which the Company deems it's necessary to stop or suspend the services.
You agree that Logitech can decide on its own to terminate your access to the Website and/or block your future access to the Website without notifying you of that in advance, so long as we think you have violated the Terms of Use or other agreements or guidance related to your use of the Website or we have any other reasons, including but not limited to (1) the requirements of law enforcement institutions or other government institutions; (2) your request to remove the account; (3) termination of or major changes to these services provided by the Website or through the Website, or (4) accidental technical matters or issues.
If the Terms are terminated, the limitations of the contents or materials that appear on the Website and the expressions, guarantees, compensations and liability limitations described in the Terms of Use will remain effective. If you are not satisfied with the Website or any services possibly provided by Logitech, the only remedy for you is to terminate the Terms.
If Logitech brings a lawsuit against you for your violation of the Terms of Use, Logitech has the right to collect debts from you, and you agree to grant Logitech any injunctive relief or equitable relief and pay all the reasonable attorney’s fees and expenses related to the lawsuit. You agree that Logitech doesn't need to be responsible for you or any third party for the termination of your access to the Website.
If you have resigned, the Company has the right to freeze your relevant accounts on the day of your resignation. The Points you haven't used can't be redeemed in other ways.
The Terms and your use of the Website are governed by the laws of Republic of China regardless of the conflicts in laws; Taipei District Court must be court of first instance over all the complaints and lawsuits. You waive any defense for any issue related to nationality jurisdiction or absence of venue.
Logitech can transfer the Terms of Use at any time to any of its subsidiaries or affiliated companies, or transfer them to other entities as part of its sales, merging or transfer. You cannot transfer the Terms. The Terms constitute a complete agreement between you and Logitech concerning the matter and govern your use of the Website. Logitech’s failure to execute or fulfill any rights or provisions specified in the Terms will not constitute waiver of such rights or provisions; if any provisions of the Terms are ineffective, both sides still agree the provisions reflect their wills, and other provisions in the Terms will still be executed completely and have complete effectiveness. No matter whether any decree or law has opposite provisions, any claim or lawsuit related to the use of the Website or the Terms need to be brought up within one (1) year after the reason of the claim or lawsuit occurs, or it shall never be brought up. You agree that the Terms of Use and other terms in the Website (including Taiwan Employee Purchase Rules) constitute the provisions related to your use of the Website and you are bound by them. In case of any conflict between the Terms of Use and other terms in the Website, expressions in the Terms of Use will prevail. This Terms of Use is made in English and Traditional Chinese languages. In case of any discrepancy, the Traditional Chinese version shall prevail.
The Website is owned by Logitech.